
CMMU Buddies Scheme January 2017

We need your help in welcoming 13 international exchange students from many different European countries in January term 2017.


Please sign up as a buddy.


The role of a buddy is to be a local friend and help our international students if they have any questions. You can also introduce them to life in Bangkok and show them your favorite restaurants, ….

How much time you spend with the exchange students is up to you, we only need you to be there for the international students to support them if they have questions.

Imagine if you go to study in a foreign country, you would also be grateful to have a local friend.


If you are interested to help, please sign up at For more information, please contact K. Chanistha at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!