International Relations
Degree and Non-Degree Programs
International Students
A warm welcome to international students. CMMU offers a diverse community to attract international students from all over the world. Come and join us!
If you are thinking about your study destination for an international Master’s degree in Asia, CMMU is the choice for you. The College of Management, Mahidol University offers a Master of Management Program in the English language with specializations in different areas. We also offer Double Degree and Second Degree Programs with our international partner universities. In addition to the location near downtown Bangkok, we offer innovative international programmes in management and create a learner-centered environment that helps students to learn how to apply knowledge of best management practices drawn from global and local sources. We engage our students with our small class size, using problem-based learning, case studies, international competitions and study trips. Our top teaching instructors represent a strong blend of industry experience and educational qualifications and are eager to share their knowledge and experience with students. Invited CEOs from leading international firms periodically join CMMU for guest lectures and discussions with students. Moreover, CMMU provides modern learning equipment and facilities. Approximately 20% of our students are from overseas, representing different nationalities from around the world. Countries include Japan, Myanmar, Indonesia, China, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, etc. Apart from international degree students, CMMU is also a globally connected institution. Through collaborative partnerships, we welcome exchange students from our partner institutions across the world every semester. Thus, CMMU has a truly cosmopolitan campus with intercultural learning opportunities. -
CMMU, par la diversité de ses étudiants et la qualité de ses Masters, attire aujourd’hui des étudiants du monde entier. Venez nous rejoindre!
Si votre objectif est d’obtenir une expérience en Asie à travers un Master International, CMMU est le bon choix. L’Asie est devenue en quelques années le principal moteur de l’économie mondiale. La toute récente intégration des économies de l’ASEAN en 2015 représente un marché de plus de 600 millions de consommateurs, offrant ainsi de nombreuses opportunités. Face à ces changements les entreprises recherchent une plus grande diversité de profils pour les postes de managers, parfaitement bilingues mais surtout sensibles aux différentes cultures. La Mission du Programme International de CMMU est de préparer nos étudiants et de leurs donner tous les moyens, y compris la confiance en soi, pour travailler et réussir dans un environnement d’affaires internationales très complexe. L’École de Management de l’Université Mahidol propose un Master en Management, dispensé en Anglais, avec plusieurs spécialisations. Des double diplômes sont aussi proposés avec nos Universités partenaires. Dans les classements universitaires internationaux, l'université de Mahidol est régulièrement classée parmi les meilleures universités de Thaïlande. Localisée au centre de Bangkok, notre Université offre un environnement stimulant qui aide nos étudiants à acquérir, non seulement les aspects théoriques, mais surtout des connaissances pratiques que recherchent aujourd’hui les entreprises internationales. La taille de nos classes ne dépasse jamais trente étudiants, favorisant leurs implications dans les projets, simulations, ateliers ou études de cas, spécialisés sur l’Asie. Les profils de nos professeurs combinent à la fois une expérience professionnelle très riche mais aussi les qualifications académiques qui leur permettent de partager avec efficacité leurs connaissances. -
Herzlich willkommen im internationalen Programm der CMMU!
Sie sind interessiert an einem Master of Management Programm in Asien? Dann ist CMMU Ihre Wahl. Das College of Management der Mahidol Universitaet bietet ein Master of Management Program in englischer Sprache mit verschiedenen Spezialisierungsmoeglichkeiten. Wir bieten auch Double Degree und Second Degree Programme in Kooperation mit unseren internationalen Partneruniversitaeten in Frankreich und Australien an. Die Mahidol Universitaet wird regelmaessig in die Top-Positionen der internationalen Universitaetsrankings fuer Thailand gereiht.
Guenstig gelegen nahe dem Stadtzentrum von Bangkok bieten wir innovative internationale Management Programme und ein lernerorientiertes Studienumfeld, das Studierende auf die praktische Anwendung von Managementkompetenzen auf lokaler und internationaler Ebene vorbereitet.
Wir unterrichten in kleinen Gruppen und fokussieren uns auf PBL (Problem-based Learning). Der Unterricht wird bereichert durch asienspezifische und internationale Fallstudien, Gastvortraege und internationale Studienreisen. Unsere Professoren bringen eine interessante Mischung aus internationaler Ausbildung und praktischer Erfahrung in den Unterricht ein. Hochrangige Fuehrungskraefte aus thailaendischen und internationalen Unternehmen bereichern den Unterricht durch Gastvortraege und Diskussionen. CMMU bietet ein modernes Lernumfeld mit state-of-the-art Ausstattung sowie Zugang zu weltweiten Forschungsdatenbanken.
Zirka 20% unserer Studierenden sind internationale Teilnehmer aus Laendern wie z.B. Japan, Myanmar, China, Belgien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Schweiz, etc. Zusaetzlich empfangen wir auch jedes Jahr Austauschstudierende fuer 1 Semester von unseren Partneruniversitaeten aus der ganzen Welt. Das internationale Umfeld und der Kontakt mit Studierenden und Professoren aus verschiedenen Laendern bieten hervorragende Moeglichkeiten zum interkulturellen Lernen im asiatischen Kontext. -
如果你正在考虑在亚洲哪所大学攻读国际硕士学位,玛希隆大学管理学院刚好是为你量身打造的选择。在泰国所有的国际大学排名中,玛希隆大学一直名列前茅。玛希隆大学管理学院为同学们提供全英语教学模式,此外, 我们还为同学们提供与其他国际大学合作的双学位项目。 玛希隆大学管理学院位于曼谷市区,学院提供创新的管理学国际项目,旨在创造一个以学生为中心的授课环境,让学生们能够娴熟地运用所学到的知识。 我们采取小班教学,运用讨论式教学方式,实际案例解析, 实地考察游学,进而增强学生对知识的理解能力。玛希隆大学管理学院的老师们不仅拥有高学历背景,而且也具有丰富的实战经验,老师们真诚地希望能和同学们分享他们的知识与见解。我们还会定期地邀请一些国际知名企业的首席执行官作为客座嘉宾来和学生们一起探讨学术知识。此外,我们的教材设备和器材也都是非常先进的。 玛希隆大学管理学院20%的学生来自于世界上其他国家,包括日本、缅甸、印度尼西亚、中国、比利时、法国、德国、瑞士等。除了国际化的学生,我们也和很多世界知名学术机构合作。每一学期, 玛希隆大学管理学院都热情地欢迎来自合作机构的交换生。所以,我们玛希隆大学管理学院是一所真正的国际化世界级院校。
“很庆幸当初选择玛希隆大学管理学院展开研究生阶段的学习,在教授的带领下接触到管理学的纵深,案例研讨中重塑自己的认知。互动学习和团队项目中,认识了多样背景的学生,他们来自不同的国家(德国,法国,缅甸,西班牙,瑞士和印度等)。学生构成中,有运营家族企业的,有自主创业的,有跨国公司高管,也有刚毕业的。正因如此,才能在多维视角中批判思考。 个人而言,很喜欢管理学院的地理位置,就在曼谷市中心,交通出行很方便。期待读到这段文字的你,早日加入CMMU大家庭”。(Asoka Zhu,玛希隆大学的中国学生)
International Program Overview
Asia is now a major driving force in the global economy. The internationalization of businesses and the recent integration of ASEAN economies since 2015 require a new type of manager. These professionals need strong English communication skills and the ability to demonstrate that they are sensitive to cultures other than their own. The international program mission at CMMU is to educate students who are self-confident to work in the complex global business world. with specialization in the following areas:
Master Degree Program
Corporate Finance
Entrepreneurship Management
General Management
Healthcare and Wellness Management
Marketing and Management
Double Degree Program: MM + Master in International Management (Toulouse School of Management, France)
Double Degree Program: MM + Master of Commerce (Macquarie, Australia)
Second Degree Program: MM + Master in Marketing (UTS Sydney, Australia)
Doctoral Degree Program
Ph.D. in Management
Ph.D. in Sustainable Leadership
What our students say?
Laura Urlings
Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, ULB
"Building relationships with Thai students and the orientation program are great! It was a very positive experience that I think will help me a lot in my future."
Maxime Brice
KEDGE Business School
"All facilities are good and teachers are available all the time for any type of question. It's good to feel that we are supported."
Simon Jaeger
University of St. Gallen
"We were welcomed warmly and we felt very comfortable at CMMU. The location and infrastructure are very good."
Antoine Goffinet
Louvain School of Management, UCL
"I enjoyed the possibility to meet Thai students, discuss with them and discover new approaches in my different subjects."
CALL CENTER: +662 206 2000 Ext. 3205
Exchange Program Partners
The College of Management, Mahidol University works in partnership with a number of overseas universities. These partnerships provide opportunities for student exchanges with universities throughout Asia, Pacific, Europe and the Americas. These links allow eligible International Program students to study at one of these institutions for one semester. CMMU also offers double degree and second degree programs together with our international partners. For details of CMMU's international partners, please click at the links provided.
- Shanghai University, P.R. China
- Peking University HSBC Business School, P.R. China
- University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) , Beijing, P.R. China
- College of Management, Yuan Ze University , Taoyuan City, Taiwan
- Korea University Business School, Korea
- Ewha Womans University, Korea
- Hanyang University, Korea
- Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
- The French-Vietnamese Centre for Management Education, Vietnam
Joint Programs
Toulouse School of Management, France
Double Degree Program
Master of Management (General Management)
Master in International Management
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Second Degree Program
Master of Management (Marketing Management)
Master of Business in Marketing
Macquarie University, Australia
Second Degree Program
Master of Management (All Majors)
Master of Commerce
MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
Senior Executive Program
Strategy and Innovation for Businesses in Asia (SIBA)